Mane U.

Vesicular Stomatitis: How much do you know? (free quiz)

Do you know enough about VS?
Free quiz based on the “Paging Dr. Ram” video from the 2014 VS outbreak:

Many thanks to the veterinarians at Colorado State University for the YouTube video on which this quiz is based.

1. From a human perspective, having vesicular stomatitis would be like having a mouthful of what?

Question 1 of 22

2. Taking care of an animal infected with vesicular stomatitis includes (check all that apply):

Question 2 of 22

3. Vesicular stomatitis is what?

Question 3 of 22

4. How can vesicular stomatitis be spread?

Question 4 of 22

5. Bute or banamine used improperly to ease the pain of an animal infected with vesicular stomatitis can cause what?

Question 5 of 22

6. Vesicular stomatitis usually causes what around the tongue, lips, mouth, nose, udder, sheath or coronary bands of the animal?


Question 6 of 22

7. People can get vesicular stomatitis from handling infected animals.

Question 7 of 22

8. Vesicular stomatitis of the coronary band can cause what?

Question 8 of 22

9. Vesicular stomatitis primarily affects what?

Question 9 of 22

10. In areas where vesicular stomatitis is a concern, who should you contact for state health entrance and return requirements before you travel with your animal?

Question 10 of 22

11. How long is an animal infected with vesicular stomatitis contagious?

Question 11 of 22

12. Most of the time, vesicular stomatitis is an uncomfortable disease, but not life-threatening.

Question 12 of 22

13. When an animal gets vesicular stomatitis, it must be reported to federal and state animal health officials.

Question 13 of 22

14. Horse shows may require what in areas where vesicular stomatitis is a concern?

Question 14 of 22

15. If an animal has a confirmed case of vesicular stomatitis, the facility in which it resides will be quarantined until the last lesion has healed.

Question 15 of 22

16. Lesions from vesicular stomatitis cause a great deal of what?

Question 16 of 22

17. What lesser-known animals can get vesicular stomatitis?

Question 17 of 22

18. The best way to prevent vesicular stomatitis is to what?

Question 18 of 22

19. There is a specific treatment to stop the vesicular stomatitis virus.

Question 19 of 22

20. Animals with vesicular stomatitis in their mouths will do what?

Question 20 of 22

21. When controlling insects to prevent vesicular stomatitis, do not use what on horses or cattle?

Question 21 of 22

22. Animals can get vesicular stomatitis from what? (Check all that apply.)

Question 22 of 22



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